
Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft together help customers achieve the ideal cloud solution

Current developments led to the need to translate the already existing contact between Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft into an official collaboration.


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Lucrasoft is the ICT group behind the DEPOT Software, Lucrasoft ICT Beheer, DutchGrit, Simplr-IT, Movin, Picario and De Stoomfabriek brands. Lucrasoft is based in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. Whether it is making complex web applications and links, developing and managing customized systems, developing indoor positioning technology or assisting companies and departments with all aspects of their ICT management and communication landscape - everyone in the team has their own specialisation.

Challenge: Growing complexity of IT environments

Ongoing developments fuelled the need to evolve the contact already existing between Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft into an official partnership. The growing complexity of IT environments, driven among other things by the increasing popularity of hybrid cloud solutions and IaaS services, presents a frequent challenge. This sometimes leads to combinations and issues that fall outside Eurofiber Cloud Infra's area of expertise.

At the same time, Lucrasoft also occasionally fields questions from customers looking for a cloud solution, but who on closer analysis would benefit more from colocation. A company that works extensively with heavy AutoCAD programs is a good example. Devising in-house solutions to issues largely related to matters of IT infrastructure also occasionally posed a huge challenge to Lucrasoft.

In cases such as this, Eurofiber Cloud Infra is the ideal partner to provide the customer with a solution that perfectly matches its wishes and needs. "Eurofiber Cloud Infra was the logical preferred choice for several reasons. They have a wealth of knowledge in the field of datacenter and colocation solutions, and it also helps that we are already familiar with the company as well as that Eurofiber Cloud Infra is located close by. This has clear benefits from an operational point of view. Lines of communication are short and together we can offer customers in the region a comprehensive total solution," says Rick Kattemölle, account manager at Lucrasoft.

Scalable IaaS solution

In 2020, Eurofiber Cloud Infra also added an IaaS solution to its range of services. Eurofiber Cloud Infra's IaaS platform delivers a securely isolated virtual datacenter environment based on high-end infrastructure. A secure and scalable cloud platform that provides an ideal basis for the development or hosting of business applications, or for planning and designing complex IT environments. This enables organisations to use custom-made, fully isolated resource pools on a scalable and secure VMware cloud cluster. 

The service is provided as a pay-as-you-grow model that is well suited to the current needs of many companies. "Eurofiber Cloud Infra's IaaS solution is a unique opportunity for Lucrasoft and Eurofiber Cloud Infra to strengthen one another and serve a wider range of customers. Eurofiber Cloud Infra provides the necessary infrastructure, while Lucrasoft's customized ICT management capabilities ensure service delivery, thereby effectively acting as an extension of a company's IT department," explains Wouter van Baardewijk, manager of Lucrasoft ICT Management. "Eurofiber Cloud Infra provides the necessary infrastructure, while Lucrasoft's customized ICT management capabilities ensure service delivery."

Total solution: With a single point of contact

The solution to the challenges outlined above, and at the same time the strength of the partnership between Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft, is that both parties complement and reinforce each another. This was exemplified in a business case jointly executed by the two partners, aimed at assisting a company that was divested from a larger parent organisation. The company did not want to have its own IT department and was looking for maximum IT flexibility. The organisation had a clear picture of what it wanted, but not how to attain it. This is quite natural, of course, given that they had relied on the resources of a large organisation for many years and had little to no experience in managing their own ICT environment.

Drawing on their pooled knowledge and resources, Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft were able to provide a custom solution and deliver end-to-end support to the company in question. Eurofiber Cloud Infra provided for the hosting of the infrastructure, data and applications in a physical datacenter, while Lucrasoft took care of the management of the OCT landscape and the adoption process around the new technology. Eurofiber Cloud Infra's connectivity and datacenter solutions and Lucrasoft's managed services also complement each another perfectly in the field of migration.

"Our pooled knowledge and resources mean that the customer can acquire a total package of services and expertise with just a single point of contact," says Wouter. If an application or system component is not functioning properly, there is no need to rack your brains about which MSP or supplier you need to contact; the same trusted specialist can help you with any problem. In addition, a company no longer needs to scour the country for expensive and scarce IT administrators. Practice also shows that companies often like to have only one leader in charge, who can help to steer their digital processes and IT infrastructure. The pooled knowledge and resources of and close cooperation between Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft make this possible.

Security and IT continuity: Continuing where many other MSPs leave off

By pooling their services and expertise, Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft continue where many other MSPs leave off. "We can provide a wider offering than other parties, not just because we have considerable knowledge of ERP processes and have knowledge rich sister companies and our own developers, but also because we look further than the configuration of an IT landscape. We actively identify what a customer needs and also provide training, adoption, a thorough five-year plan and process analyses," explains Rick. 

The combination of a secure and powerful physical as well as virtual datacenter and a wide array of managed services is also good news for the security and IT continuity that modern organisations seek. After all, data and hardware are always more secure in a high-end datacenter than on-premises, where there is often a lack of basic good air-conditioning in the server space. In addition, outsourcing security and management to a specialised and expertly managed service provider significantly reduces the risk of security incidents and technical problems.

Future proof: Meeting a growing need even better

The partnership with Eurofiber Cloud Infraenables Lucrasoft to meet the growing demand for hybrid and virtualized solutions even better. "We are facing increasingly varied IT combinations, which give rise to new issues that sometimes partly fall outside our area of expertise - which, it should be said, is already quite extensive. The excellent cooperation we enjoy with Eurofiber Cloud Infra enables us to provide customers with even better support in terms of management, infrastructure and migration. This allows us to deliver solutions that combine ultimate flexibility and future-proofness with an appealing price tag," conclude Rick and Wouter.

If you would like more information about the partnership between Eurofiber Cloud Infra and Lucrasoft and how you can benefit from our pooled knowledge and expertise, please do not hesitate to contact our experts.

Susan Megens - Dataplace

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