Organizational flexibility to anticipate developments

On the eve of the fourth industrial revolution, much is expected of you as a government department or agency – such as the anticipation of new technological opportunities and social challenges. You are also expected to intuitively sense the needs of citizens and respond appropriately. You will need to replace outdated systems and practices with new models that are better suited to the age of AI. Of course, it is key to configure these digital services to be as user-friendly as possible in order to be accessible to everyone (digital inclusiveness). Do you have the organizational flexibility to achieve this?
The added value of digital transformation for government
Digitalization is rapidly transforming our society. It provides an important source of growth, innovation and new business activity in our cities. As a government agency, you are facing significant challenges. Improved accessibility, CO2 reduction and energy supply demand a high-quality infrastructure that evolves along with the needs of society. These are the trends that are currently happening in your sector:
Trend #1: The cloud as a driver of innovation
The cloud is driving new technologies such as AI, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Internet of Things (IoT) and big data analytics. For example, the cloud fosters a data-driven culture based on shared decision-making and creates a platform for testing and developing innovative ideas and new technologies.
Trend #2: Smart cities
There is an increasing focus on smart cities, where multiparty collaboration, connectivity and sustainability are paramount. For this to succeed, a number of basic conditions apply: first, a smart ecosystem in which companies, universities, start-ups, think tanks and citizens address societal challenges together. Smart cities also require smart connectivity and data, and finally, a smart platform and engagement. For example, as a government authority, you can use technology to increase citizen participation and expertise, which in turn leads to better decision-making within the public sector.
Trend #3: A government that anticipates future developments
Data analysis, scenarios and simulations allow us to address potential problems before they happen. From detecting fraud to fighting an epidemic, prevention is better than cure, and that certainly applies to government. New developments in AI – such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and speech and face recognition – can help you as a government authority.
Your challenges, our solutions
There are all sorts of reasons why you might be postponing a digital transformation. For our consultants, your ICT challenges are standard occurrence. They are happy to help you come up with the perfect solution and roll it out. These are the challenges you are likely to be facing:
Challenges can be more strategic in nature, but can also be found in designing governance models or standardizing processes in the cloud. Concerns about cybersecurity and potentially misaligned national and international laws and regulations also deserve attention.
As a government authority, you will need to have the right skills at your disposal to successfully use predictive data analysis. Data is often complex, difficult to access, and there is always the risk of algorithmic bias. In addition, there are also risk factors in the areas of cybersecurity and privacy. How to create a digital identity is a major consideration in its own right.
Lack of technical knowledge and insight
The digitalization of internal and external processes requires a great deal of digital knowledge and skilled technical personnel that you may not have in-house. It is also possible that you may need help with the financial resources to support your migration to the cloud. Are you facing a totally different challenge? Please, put us to a test.
Your partner in a successful digital transformation
Behind every successful business model, you will find a reliable digital infrastructure. To achieve this, you not only need high-quality technology, but also a partner who will advise you throughout the process. Where other datacenters often only operate as suppliers, are we a reliable partner that will help you find the right solutions and guides you through every step of your digital transformation. In this process, you can rely on our years of experience and expertise.
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